Tena, the capital of the Napo Province, is a gateway to the Ecuadorian Amazon. Known for its lush rainforests, abundant rivers, and rich indigenous culture, Tena offers a unique blend of adventure and tranquility. It's a hub for eco-tourism and outdoor activities, providing visitors with a taste of the Amazon's natural beauty and cultural heritage.


  • Whitewater Rafting and Kayaking: Tena is famous for its rivers, offering some of the best whitewater rafting and kayaking experiences in Ecuador. The Jatunyacu River, in particular, is a popular choice for adventure seekers.
  • Caving: Explore the fascinating caves around Tena, such as Jumandy Caves, which offer guided tours through stunning underground formations.
  • Hiking and Nature Walks: Discover the diverse flora and fauna of the Amazon on guided hikes through the rainforest. The lush trails provide opportunities to see exotic plants, insects, and animals.
  • Cultural Tours: Engage with the local Kichwa communities to learn about their traditions, medicinal plants, and sustainable living practices. These tours often include visits to traditional villages and interaction with local artisans.
  • Birdwatching: The rainforest around Tena is a birdwatcher’s paradise, with countless species of colorful birds. Guided birdwatching tours can help enthusiasts spot rare and beautiful species.
  • River Tours: Take a boat tour along the Napo and Misahualli rivers to explore the Amazon's waterways, observe wildlife, and visit remote indigenous communities.

Major Attractions and Nearby Cities:

  • Misahualli: A small town near Tena, famous for its playful monkeys in the central park and beautiful river beaches. It’s a great spot for relaxation and nature walks.
  • Archidona: Located just north of Tena, Archidona is known for its cultural heritage and natural attractions, including waterfalls and caves.
  • Sumaco Napo-Galeras National Park: A vast protected area near Tena, offering diverse ecosystems ranging from lowland rainforests to high-altitude Andean páramo. It's perfect for trekking and wildlife spotting.
  • Coca (Francisco de Orellana): A larger city to the east, Coca is another gateway to the Amazon. It offers additional amenities and access to Yasuni National Park.

Accommodation and Access:

Tena is accessible by road from Quito, with a journey time of about 4-5 hours. The town offers a range of accommodations, from budget hostels to comfortable eco-lodges. Many tours and activities are organized by local operators, ensuring a well-rounded Amazonian experience.

Experience the natural wonders and vibrant culture of Tena with Equatours. Whether you're seeking adrenaline-pumping adventures or peaceful encounters with nature, Tena provides an unforgettable Amazonian journey.