Yasuni National Park, located in the heart of the Ecuadorian Amazon, is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve renowned for its unparalleled biodiversity. Spanning nearly 10,000 square kilometers, Yasuni is one of the most biologically diverse places on Earth, home to a vast array of plant and animal species. This pristine rainforest is not only a haven for wildlife but also a cultural treasure, inhabited by indigenous communities such as the Huaorani, Tagaeri, and Taromenane, who live in voluntary isolation. Yasuni's unique combination of ecological and cultural richness makes it a vital area for conservation and an incredible destination for eco-tourism.


  • Wildlife Viewing: Yasuni is a wildlife enthusiast’s paradise, offering sightings of an astounding variety of species. Visitors can spot monkeys, jaguars, sloths, and the rare pink river dolphin. Birdwatchers will be thrilled with over 600 bird species, including colorful macaws, toucans, and the elusive harpy eagle.
  • Guided Tours: Expert naturalist guides lead tours deep into the rainforest, providing insights into the complex ecosystems and pointing out the myriad of species that call Yasuni home. These tours often include night walks to observe nocturnal creatures and listen to the jungle's symphony.
  • Canoeing and River Exploration: The park’s extensive network of rivers and oxbow lakes is best explored by canoe. Glide through the tranquil waters to see giant otters, caimans, and numerous aquatic birds. Canoe excursions often include visits to clay licks where parrots and other wildlife gather.
  • Cultural Experiences: Engage with the indigenous communities living within Yasuni. Learn about their traditional lifestyles, medicinal plant knowledge, and sustainable practices. These interactions provide a deeper understanding of the cultural significance of the rainforest.
  • Birdwatching: With an extraordinary variety of avian life, Yasuni is a birdwatcher’s dream. Special birdwatching tours are available, led by experienced guides who can help identify the park’s many bird species.
  • Hiking and Nature Trails: Explore Yasuni on foot through a network of trails that wind through the dense forest. Hikes can lead to hidden waterfalls, giant ceiba trees, and diverse ecosystems teeming with life. These treks offer opportunities to see unique plant species and learn about their uses from knowledgeable guides.
  • Photography Tours: Yasuni’s vibrant wildlife and lush landscapes provide endless opportunities for photographers. Specialized tours cater to photographers, ensuring ample time and the best locations to capture stunning images of the park’s natural beauty.

Conservation Efforts:

Yasuni National Park is at the forefront of conservation efforts in the Amazon. Various organizations and the Ecuadorian government work tirelessly to protect its biodiversity and the rights of its indigenous peoples. Ecotourism in Yasuni is conducted with a strong emphasis on sustainability, ensuring that the natural environment is preserved for future generations.

How to Visit:

Accessible from the town of Coca, Yasuni National Park can be reached by a short flight from Quito, followed by a riverboat journey into the heart of the park. Accommodations range from eco-lodges that offer comfortable amenities to more rustic camping experiences for the adventurous traveler. Many tours are all-inclusive, covering transportation, lodging, meals, and guided excursions.

Explore Yasuni National Park with Equatours to experience the unparalleled beauty and diversity of one of the most extraordinary places on Earth. Whether you’re seeking adventure, tranquility, or a deeper connection with nature and indigenous cultures, Yasuni offers an unforgettable journey into the heart of the Amazon rainforest.