Termas Papallacta
Termas Papallacta is the ideal place to escape from the noise of the city and the daily routine. More than a destination, it is a comprehensive experience that will awaken all your senses. Relax in a place that combines the beauty of the natural environment with the quality and warmth of the service, in the private and exclusive environment of the resort spa, creating the perfect balance through the combination of thermal water pools.
Papallacta Trail
Explore this 1.20 miles round trip trail near Papallacta, Napo. It is generally considered a moderate route, taking an average of 42 min to complete. This route is excellent for hiking and walking. To get to the start point, take the road north from highway 28c through the town of Papallacta. There is a gate to the trail, continue on the road for 3 miles to a parking lot and building. Beautiful area, lots to see, lots of small lakes along the way with a couple of waterfalls too.
Antizana Volcano
The Antisana volcano is located inside the Antisana Ecological Reserve, between the provinces of Napo and Pichincha. This is about 31 miles Southeast of Quito. Antisana has an altitude of 18,870 ft above sea level. Indeed, the Antisana volcano is the fourth highest volcano in Ecuador. It also has two summits completely covered with snow and glaciers, known as the older and the younger. The oldest covers two-thirds of the Antisana in the Southeastern part. While the younger comprise one-third of the volcano in the Northwest part. Climbing this volcano is challenging, you need to prepare yourself with acclimatization, but the reward is amazing. The landscape around the Antisana volcano is breathtaking. In fact, it is rich with biodiversity and a variety of flora and fauna. A great opportunity to watch condors in their inhabit. From the top, it has panoramic views, including the surrounding volcanoes of Shincholagua, Cayambe, Cotopaxi,and Chimborazo. Also, it has a view of Mica and Limpiopungo lagoons. The best time to visit is during the dry season, especially from December to February.
Guayaquil is one of the main South American ports in the Pacific. The climate is hot for the first semester of the year and breeze cool for the rest of it. A proud city of the tropics where foreigners are well received, music rules and seafood is a must.
Quito, the capital of Ecuador, was founded in the 16th century on the ruins of an Inca city and stands at an altitude of 2,850 m. Despite the 1917 earthquake, the city has the best-preserved, least altered historic centre in Latin America. The monasteries of San Francisco and Santo Domingo, and the Church and Jesuit College of La Compañía, with their rich interiors, are pure examples of the 'Baroque school of Quito', which is a fusion of Spanish, Italian, Moorish, Flemish and indigenous art.
Esmeraldas Province is one of the 24 provinces of Ecuador, located in the extreme northwest of the country on the border with Colombia. Known for its beautiful beaches, landscapes and its hot and humid climate. Esmeraldas is synonymous with music and joy. It has its own musical instruments such as the famous marimba.